Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Pronunciation Exercise Goals!!!

こんいちは!!!  I have so many goals for my pronunciation exercise and a lot of work to do to improve my pronunciation.  Earlier I talked about my family labeling me as "el gringo" of the family because of my slight American accent.  If I were to introduce myself to native Japanese speaker, I don't think I would have to mention アメリカじんです, I think they would figure that out on their own.  I had a lot of troubling of making my recording sound like an authentic Japanese speaker.  One of the reasons I had trouble was because I was unable to shadow at the speed of the model.  Words that had the constants r or k had a strong american accent in my recording. Most of my recording sounded monotone(T_T), and probably because this concept of pitch and tone is quite foreign to me.  My goal for this cycle is to work on these problems and the solution, theoretically, will be enjoyable.  I will listen to Japanese songs daily to and from classes.  In addition, I will try to practice using the ほやくち ことば。Honestly, I will have an extremely difficult time with these because I have never been good at saying tongue twisters in えいご or スペーンご.  Occasionally, I will watch an anime (some thing by みゆざき preferably) and try to shadow what they are saying.  Well then I am off!!!  (Wish me good luckは にほんごで なんと いいますか)  じゃあ、また!

1 comment:

  1. はじめまして!ズァンです。どうぞ そるしく。
    わたしわノテロダムだいがく(University of Notre Dame)のいちねんせいです。
    It seems that you are going to be very busy and well arranged =)
    がんばって!Looking forward to seeing your progress!
